Mecomma ambulans ambulans
A dimorphic species; males are macropterous and females brachypterous. Females are also more rounded in shape, and the forewings are all black. The antennae in males are all black, whereas in females the first 2 segments are black, the 3rd, basaly white shading to black, the 4th black.
A dimorphic species; males are macropterous and females brachypterous. Females are also more rounded in shape, and the forewings are all black. The antennae in males are all black, whereas in females the first 2 segments are black, the 3rd, basaly white shading to black, the 4th black. The red head of the females is an obvious key factor in seperating this species from females of O. rufifrons, along with the antennae which are markedly different too.
Orthonotus rufifrons, M. dispar
2.5 mm females-4.5 mm males
Nationally commom
Rank vegetation, woodland edges, wildflower meadow, (damp)*
*Habitat from which depicted specinen was swept from.